Thursday, 24 May 2012

What Dogs Do blog is re-launching after a quiet few months with a special announcement:

Eva Aldea is appearing at the HowTheLightGetsIn, the philosophy and music festival at Hay-on-Wye (parallel to the famous literary festival in Hay).

Save the date - 2nd June. Yours truly is hosting a philosophical lunch and appearing on a panel discussing evolution, animal and human. If you're anywhere near, I hope to see you there, but if you can't come, don't fret, I will report back on What Dogs Do Blog.

Saturday 2 June 2012
Venue: Lower Gallery

HowTheLightGetsIn Lunch

Philosopher Eva Aldea leads the conversation on  the morning's debates in the Hall, The Fantasy of Technology and Hawking vs. Philosophy.
Price includes lunch.

Earlybird price: Sold Out
Advance price: £18.00 
Full-price: £24.00 

Saturday 2 June 2012
Venue: International

The Paragon of Animals image

Philosophy Session

The Paragon of Animals

Nicholas Humphrey, Ken Binmore, Eva Aldea and Nick Maxwell. David Malone chairs.

Darwin's Origin of Species appears to ally evolution with advance, and as humans we place ourselves at the top of the tree. But is evolution progress or simply change for good or ill? Have we transcended our animal nature, or is this a dangerous illusion?

Evolutionary psychologist Nicholas Humphrey and evolutionary game theorist Ken Binmore clash with cultural critic Eva Aldea and philosopher of science Nick Maxwell.

Earlybird price: £4 
Advance price: £6.00 
Full-price: £8.00 

To purchase tickets and see the full How The Light Gets In program click here.

1 comment:

houndstooth said...

I hope it goes really well! I can't wait to read about it here on the blog. :)